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At EAH we give the horse adequate time to learn.

Every horse is unique with a different learning pace. We teach the horse using their natural language of pressure and release, as well as using our own body language and energy.

We also like to create a fun environment so the horse enjoys learning and never feels “trained on.”  We love coming up with different obstacles to build curiosity and confidence. If you can create curiosity in a horse, a confident horse will emerge. With confidence, the trust between the horse and human can grow into a strong partnership.

This is the goal through the training process at EAH.

The Training at EAH Focuses on the Whole Horse: Physical, Mental and Emotional.


We firmly believe you can not train through pain. Pain responses can directly impact your horses' willingness and ability to learn.They will not be able to fulfill the expectations you have throughout the training process until the pain is resolved.  It is very important here at EAH that your horse is comfortable in their body.

In the initial evaluation sessions, usually taking place within the first three training sessions, we are making sure your horses' hooves are balanced well and has the needed protection if your horse requires it. We are also evaluating any potential pain points throughout your horses' body, skeletally or muscularly, and will proceed with any bodywork that may be needed. If we are still noticing lameness issues after working through the previous physical issues, we will proceed to a vet assessment. 


Horses are deep processors. They really do think about the training and conversations you are having with them. Horses have a desire and willingness to meet us in partnership, but sometimes our lack of clarity creates confusion for them. This causes behaviors that you may not like from your horse and cycles in your partnership that you have a hard time getting out of. If you can gain some clarity on your end about how to properly communicate to your horse what you are asking for, those improper behaviors can then be managed and your horse can learn to trust and focus on you as their clear leader. 


Horses are extremely emotional and sensitive beings. Because of this, it is easy to create some emotional trauma during the training process, especially if there is lack of timing and feel during conversations in training. Causing emotional trauma is not intentional on our part, but can sometimes push the horse into certain survival modes. This can lead your horse to developing emotional responses including anxiety, shutting down, acting out and several other reactions. When we can learn how to properly correct theses emotional behaviors with better timing, feel and understanding, then we can start creating a space for your horse to relax and meet you in a partnership that feels comfortable and respectful to both of you. 


At EAH you will be expected to be a part of your horses' training. As your horse learns new skills and behaviors, you will be brought in to learn your new skills and techniques along side your horse. Learning together will create a deep bond founded in trust, respect, understanding and enjoyment together.  






















Training Fundamentals

These skills will establish the basic foundational building blocks for your horse to build their knowledge. 

  • Catching

  • Haltering 

  • Leading

  • Standing Tied Quietly

  • Establishing Respect and Creating Personal Space

  • Yielding Hindquarters and Forehand 

  • Backing Up Softly

  • Establishing Respect for the Farrier

  • Lunging with Suppleness 



























































Confidence Building

Horses are instinctively reactive and spooky because they are prey animals. This can create unpredictable and dangerous reactions when we are trying to work with them. Building your horse's confidence is a very important part of their training and will help them learn how to overcome their unpredictable reactions. Instead we your horse looking to you for the proper responses.

Here at EAH we have a great obstacle course to use for these particular training focuses and conversations. The obstacles will  allow us to help your horse have a better understanding of where their feet are and create better body awareness. This is helpful for trail riding and any other goals you may have for you and your horse. 


  • Foot/Body Awareness

  • Spookiness and Curiosity Training 


































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Liberty Training

At EAH we strongly believe that Liberty Training is a very important part of the training process. Working with your horse without any form of physical attachment (use of halter or rope) creates a space where you and your horse can really communicate through body language and energy.

Body language and energy are the horses main form of communication. When a horse realizes you are attempting to communicate on this level, they are intrigued by the opportunity to connect with you in this unique space. This can create deeper softness and clarity in your partnership that you can take into further training. Once you realize how much can be done without tools, you start using your tools (halter, lead rope, reins) differently with much more meaning from your body and energy. 

  • Catching at Liberty 

  • Leading at Liberty

  • Yielding at Liberty

  • Lunging at Liberty

  • Working Obstacles at Liberty 

  • Saddle Training at Liberty â€‹


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Saddle Training

There are several steps involved in getting a horse ready to carry a saddle, before even getting to the saddle. Taking these steps helps your horse build their confidence through the process. The goal is that once you get to it, there is very little worry from your horse about being cinched and carrying the saddle. 


  • Carrying a Tarp

  • Carrying a Surcingle 

  • Getting used to and Accepting the Bridle and Bit

  • Ground Driving

  • Long Lining

  • Saddling ​

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Riding Fundamentals

Taking the time to establish a strong foundation when starting your horse under saddle will greatly improve your partnership as you continue toward your goals together. Often these key basics gets skipped over because of the excitement of finally being under saddle. This causes bad habits from both you and your horse that can interrupt your ability to communicate or continue moving toward your goals in a safe and respectful way. 

  • Standing to be mounted

  • Mounting and dismounting on both sides

  • Creating solid transitions with patience: walk, trot and lope

  • Picking up correct leads

  • Softening to the bend

  • Stopping softly 

  • Backing softly


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Building Confidence Under Saddle

Teaching your horse new skills and taking them into different environments will help build their confidence immensely. The more confident your is and the more they exposed to different things, the less spooky and unpredictable they will become. 

  • Working on obstacles 

  • Trail riding

  • Working ground pole exercises

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Advanced Riding Techniques

There is always room for improvement, for both you and your horse. Fine tuning your skills together will continue to deepen your relationship and may even help you exceed your initial goals. 


  • Advanced suppling exercises 

  • Leg yielding and side passing

  • Balancing on circles and through changes of direction

  • Balanced lead changes

  • Advanced pole exercises

  • Dressage fundamentals 

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Trailer Loading

Trailer loading can be a difficult thing to correct because of the small space you have to work in. It is perfectly natural for a horse to be uncertain about entering a trailer for several reasons including loud noises, small dark spaces, past traumatic incidents, etc. 

Teaching a horse how to willingly load in a trailer is very important. This can be potentially life saving for your horse if they ever needed to be evacuated or transported for emergency care. Proper trailer loading also opens a world of possibilities for you and your horse to enjoy going out together on many different adventures. 

  • Quietly and willingly walking into a trailer

  • Standing patiently to be tied and standing quietly while in the trailer

  • Patiently unloading 


Taking the time to work through all of these steps will enhance your horses' ability to not only meet your goals, but meet them in a mutually respectful, confident and trustworthy partnership. Moving forward from here, you will have a deep understanding of each other and how to communicate so you can focus on showing, competing, trail riding, pleasure riding or anything else you might find enjoyable together! 

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